Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Host

So in reaction to Kyle's murder attempt on Wanda Ian (Kyle's brother, whose falling for Wanderer) calls for a tribunal and defends Wanda. While reading this, I was a little amazed at how he could pick Wanda over his brother. Part of it i believe was Stephenie Meyer's love obsession fetish, where her characters must always pick their lover over everything else and in regards to that, im slightly angered that Ian chose the girl he's crshing on over his brother. But on the other hand he chose morality of family( hehe-hey that sorta rhymes) and that is very commendable. Ian was very close to his brother before Wanderer entered the picture and yet he picked the side of justice and morality-with a picnh of love thrown in- when speaking at the tribunal. I don't know if i could ever speak against my sister the way Ian did against Kyle, especially, as was the case in the book, if her punishment was banishment from our safe haven that would lead to enevitable death. If my sister tried to kill the guy i was falling in love with under the stressful and bizarre situation the chatacters were in, i still wouldn't speak against her. I probably wouldn't defend her either but i sure as heck wouldnt speak against her. I guess I'm still conflicted about how to react to that part of the story but its a very intriguing section

Do you think Ian was right, to speak out against Kyle knowing that his punishment could mean Banishment=Death?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't think I could have spoken for my brother's murder. At that part I kinda felt that Ian was letting Wanderer come between him and his brother (even though she was trying not to). This part was a lil drastic,. Kyle deserved to be punished, but I couldn't have watched him die.