Monday, May 26, 2008

THe Host

The Host by Stephenie Meyer is a Sci-fi novel about aliens (or souls as they’re called in the book) taking over human bodies. As scary as and unjust as this sounds I found myself siding with the souls in the beginning chapters. Their reason for invading Earth and taking over was that they were making it peaceful. With humans in charged there was endless violence, wars, death and pollution. The souls are a peaceful race who once in control of earth never had to lock their doors or pay for anything. Everyone just naturally helped one another and were kind. In their minds they created a world of peace after all (or most) of the humans were taken over, and in some aspects I believed they did.

Do you think the soul’s justification for invading Earth is Valid?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i tried to see it from the soul's point of view that humans were so unappreciative of their planet and whatnot, but i just couldnt find any sense in it. half the time when someone doesnt appreciate something you show them how. the other half of the time when its not any of your business you just appreciate the things you have and leave their selfish, ungrateful behinds alone. i dont see how the souls thought that enslaving and erasing a whole race of people was any better than not appreciating a planet. plus, im sorry to say, but sometimes all that violence turns out for the best. all that suffering and heartbreaking and those times when you dont trust people or you really cant stand them all make it even better when you finally experience peace, love, and happiness. a person who has experienced true sadness before hapiness appreciates it more than someone whose been happy their whole life.