Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Full Frontal Feminism: Section 1

Jessica Valenti's novel entitled " Full Frontal Feminsim" humourosly addresses issues that young women as well as the feminist movement itself, faces in today's modern society. Valentini discusses three issues in the first section (chapters 1-4) : the -anti myth feminism is steroetyped with, the conflicting messages society sends about sexuality, and on a more serious note sexual harrassment/rape. Feminism is usually characterized with the word anti, "anti-sex, anti-men, anti-everything." and feminsits are generally thought to be ugly or lesbians. Well according to Valenti femism isn't all about the antis but rather about makings ones life better, feeling good about yourself and as defined in the dictionary the "belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes". Valenti also comments on society's message and portrayal of women sexuality. Society says to be sexy but remain virginal, wear revelaing clothes but not so revealing you look like a hooker. These mixed messages confuse young women and often leave them with a warped view of sexuality. The last subject dscussed in this section is how women are often blamed for rape due to wardrobe(skirts, etc.-), aleged flirting, and not being aware of their surroundings. The phrase commonly used in these instances is"she should have known better". All three issues in the first section of the book greatly effect the modern day woman and feminism gives a new look and solution to the problems that more often than not leaves tthe inidvidual happy.

Tone: Humouros/Informative

Rhetorical Devices: Logical appeals-statistices, laws,and quotes

Fabulous 40: Cultured

If you don't call yourself a Feminist out loud are you still considered one if you hold feminist beliefs?


Teni Ayo-Ariyo said...

I agree that feminism is simply "the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes"...point blank...end of story. In that sense, there is no specific action that can be carried out to justify that belief. In general, however, most feminists are not afraid to speak up or take action for their beliefs

inubaby said...

yes,i believe that even if you don't call yourself a feminist out loud you are still a feminist if you hold the beliefs. some women might even be feminist and not even know it.

-set A